Apprenticeship at KSW

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Dann starte jetzt durch - mit deiner Lehre bei KSW. 

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Apprenticeship with higher school certificate

Combine your on-the-job training with a broad school education: we support school leaving examination within the scope of your apprenticeship.

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To say 'thank you' (and also simply to have fun) we regularly organise excursions with our trainees.

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We reward good performances in school with employee bonuses.


For me, the cohesion within the team and the diversified jobs every day make KSW to a particularly good employer.


Manuel Bargetz | Locksmith's Shop

Du interessierst dich für einen Lehrberuf bei KSW? Du möchtest gerne einen Schnuppertag vereinbaren oder hast allgemeine Fragen zum Lehrberuf? Dann freuen wir uns auf deine Nachricht!

Thomas Jäger
Thomas Jäger Human Resources | Leitung